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•   William Kestin  8/17
•   Kristin Ebarp (Stenborg)  8/15
•   Stephen Malone  1/27
•   Catherine Hansen  9/15
•   Scott Zamzow  8/14
•   Christine Mattsson  3/2
•   Maria Juana Maldonado  3/2
•   Nanette Schroeder (Koepnick)  10/15
•   James Cryns  9/13
•   Anthony Blust  6/26
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 72.9%

A:   215   Joined
B:   80   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

6 live in Arizona
11 live in California
6 live in Colorado
9 live in Florida
5 live in Georgia
10 live in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
12 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Jersey
6 live in New York
8 live in North Carolina
3 live in Oregon
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
12 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
96 live in Wisconsin
2 live in Australia
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Israel
1 lives in Mexico
1 lives in Spain
78 location unknown


•   Mary DeLeers (Huntsinger)  10/24
•   Pamela Abbott (Dillenbeck)  10/27
•   Robert Smallins  10/27
•   Christine Mattsson  10/29
•   Andrew Sylke  10/29
•   Elizabeth McRoberts (Smith)  11/1
•   Robert Misey  11/1
•   Miles Huber  11/3
•   Paul D. Williams  11/3
•   Randy Merg  11/4
•   Denise Krejci (Fredrickson)  11/6
•   John Reed Jr  11/6
•   Kathleen Seifert  11/6
•   Mark Kortebein  11/10
•   Robert Baird  11/11
Show More


DECEMBER 2022 - See silver linings in TAG THE PRESENT: A CHARIOT YEAR

Congratulations to Colleen Riordan Pierce!  Her first novel TAG THE PRESENT: A CHARIOT YEAR was launched on December 6th.  Cleverly, Colleen shares and chronicles "the absurdities of life" by "transforming...anecdotes into whimisical gift tags".   Her "lived experiences...evoke laughter and love".  If you were wondering, Colleen included stories about Whitefish Bay! 

Read more about the book:

Buy on Amazon:

MAY 2022 - Attend the World Premiere of "Small Town Wisconsin"

We have exciting news to share regarding our classmate, Niels Mueller!  His new film, “Small Town Wisconsin” will be making its world premiere at the newly renovated Oriental Theatre on Fri., June 3rd @ 7:30pm.  Showcasing Milwaukee, “Small Town Wisconsin” has earned numerous awards at festivals all over the world.  The trailer, press releases, and ticket info regarding Niels’ film are below.  Tickets are $15/person.

Niels and the film's talented cast and crew are scheduled to attend.  We're sensing quite a few of our classmates will appear, too.  The more the merrier!  We've heard those who stay for the credits may recognize a few of the stunt drivers.   Help spread the word to other classmates and those who love that small town Wisconsin feel.

Official trailer:


Current Press:

The Reunion Committee started it.  The Class of ‘79 finished it. Comments from our 40th weekend - “really amazing, cohesive vibe, everyone unassuming and sincere, had fun meeting old and new friends, tenderized in life, positive and memorable, genuinely happy to be there, a beautiful weekend”.  It was all that.  Smiles galore.   We missed those who couldn’t attend and hope that schedules will permit next time we gather.  Instead of 10 more years how about we see you in 5 years?
Photos from our weekend will soon be uploaded to this site.  Our class page on Facebook “Whitefish Bay Class of ‘79” is another way to stay in touch.  Please keep searching for classmates.  Until next time...

The question asked “Is our 40th Reunion this week?”  Yes definitely.  It’s here everyone!  The reunion committee is ready to greet you at all of the events you are able to attend.  104 classmates and 44 guests will be at the Town Club and even more on the days prior.  Safe journeys to all.

June 26, 2019 -- SCHEDULE DETAILS
The schedule details have been announced.  Go to 40th Reunion tab.  There's even a hint to the menu on July 6th!

June 20, 2019 -- CLOCKWATCHER
It's true.  A few of us gals wore matching wrap-around skirts to time for our boys' swim team home meets.  We were known as the "Clockwatchers".  That was a tough job.  NOT.  I'm still a clockwatcher, but these days I'm just watching the clock tick tock to tomorrow's (Fri., June 21st) registration deadline.  Please REGISTER and please fill out the survey.  If you are on the fence about attending our event at the Town Club, which is the place that needs the truest classmate count, please send Kathy Pagels Croak an email.
THANK YOU to those classmates who have registered for the Town Club.  We are 131 people strong, which translates into 90 classmates and 41 guest attendees!  I'm certain the number will be higher tomorrow...

June 17, 2019 -- WHADDYA MEAN
Well, it's happening.  While it appears that some of you are relaxing, spa-ing it possibly, I'm popping more grey hairs waiting for more registrations.   The deadline is at the end of this week - Fri., June 21st.  A BIG THANK YOU to the 78 classmates (and 36 of their guests) for registering so far.  I just might have to ask Linda Land Haezart to color my hair before the weekend.

June 15, 2019 -- PATIO PARTAY
from Linda Lang Hazaert
FYI FRIENDS...The Saturday night dinner WILL NOT be a stuffy sit-down affair!  Plan on a “Patio Partay” w/ food stations and plenty of room to mingle pool-side listening to fabulous music!  (In the event of rain, we have an inside option).  See more pics of the Town Club on our Facebook page...Whitefish Bay Class of '79.

June 12, 2019 -- DOS AND DON'TS 
by Guy Fiorita
The 40th is coming and, at the request of no one, I’ve put together my list of Dos and Don’ts
Please Don’t…
…ask me what I got in Algebra. Gordy Bake and I didn’t see eye to eye. He insisted on only giving points for correct answers. Penmanship and creativity meant nothing to him.
…say I haven’t changed. I’m not happy thinking that I looked like a 58-year-old man when I was in high school, although it does go a long way to explaining why I never got invited to Sadie Hawkins.
…remind me of my record as a 98-pound freshman wrestler, although thanks to that experience I do know a lot about field house lighting systems.
…ask me to dance. No one is interested in seeing that. We’re all here to have a good time.
…worry if you don’t remember my name. It’s the 40th reunion. We all get a pass on that one.
Please Do…
…hang on my every word and laugh at my jokes. I’ve been married a long time. I need it.
…limit the number of photos you show me of your kids, grandkids and pets. Let’s pretend it’s still 1979 and you had to buy a roll of film and get it developed. How many would you show then? That’s the right number.
  …come up and talk to me and assume I’m interested in you and what you’ve been up to, because I am.
…eat, drink and be merry …or anyone else you want to be.
…And finally, don’t forget to register:
Got a Do or Don’t to add to the list? Let’s hear them….

Please register by June 21st.  

Our room block/preferred rate at the Holiday Inn Milwaukee Riverfront expires tomorrow Sat., June 8th.  For details go to 40th REUNION 2019 / Hotel, etc.  Thanks Maura McCarthy Hoffman for coordinating!

June 6, 2019 -- FANCY SCHMANCY?  NOT US!  
Don whatever duds you want to our main event on Saturday night July 6th.  Seriously.  The Town Club isn't what it used to be when it comes to dress code.  It will be a very relaxing evening - lots of great food, no sit-down dinner and the ability to wander...
Our 40th Reunion just wouldn't be the same without you.  We sure hope you'll join us! 
If cost is what's holding you back, please let me (Suzanne Rice Schorr) know by sending me an email using "Contact Us".   Our 40th Reunion wouldn't be the same without you!  Please REGISTER and complete the survey by June 21st.  Thanks.


While Steve Wallace is STILL WAITING for his Sadie Hawkins invite, the rest of the reunion committee is waiting for all of our wonderful classmates to REGISTER!  (Really didn't mean to throw you under the bus, Steve - LOL.  That's what happens when you are the one to create these clever pics.)  We'd rather not wither away waiting for your RSVP...
If you need help registering, just click on "Contact Us" and send a message.  Otherwise go to "40th REUNION 2019 / REGISTRATION" and sign up.  We sure hope to see you!  Registration deadline is June 21st.  A BIG THANK YOU to those who have already registered!
LOCKER NEIGHBORS - How about being neighborly, reaching out to your locker neighbors and inviting them to the reunion? You can send them a private message through our website (if they have a profile created) or you could do a little internet sleuthing to locate them.  If you find them, send us a message with their contact info and we'll invite them for you.  

May 30, 2019 -- TOP 10 LIST
The 40th Reunion Top 10 List 
by Guy Fiorita
The 40th is coming up fast and if you’re like me and still uncertain about what to expect, what to wear, or how to act … then this is for you. For those who don’t share my social awkwardness, I commend you, go straight to the registration page and sign up. For the rest of us, this might help.
Top 10 list of things to expect at the reunion….
1.     You’ll hear a lot of music that once embarrassed you but now you like: Hall and Oates, The Bee Gees, Donna Summer, KC and the Sunshine Band, etc.
2.     Students from Cumberland, Richards, Henry Clay, Saint Monica’s and Holy Family will form groups to take pictures. Henry Clay’s group will be the biggest (of course). Go Panthers class of 75.
3.     Unlike the 10th, 20th or even the 30th reunion, with very few exceptions any children at the picnic or other activities is someone’s grandchild and not a son or daughter.
4.     At some point you will be involved in a conversation about Pig N Whistle, Alpine Valley Concerts, Food Lane, Gunville’s, Winkies, The Ground Round, Streaking, Who you saw at Summer Fest, Barnaby’s, the Glory Cup, Dr. Grant, the English Wing, or Door 3.
5.     Speaking for myself, I expect to see a lot of people frantically reading my name tag with a look of total bewilderment on their faces as I approach.
6.     People dancing like their joints need a little oil.
7.     Absolutely no one playing ultimate frisbee at the picnic. If by chance a game is organized, it will not last longer that 10 minutes, tops. Shirts and skins is not recommended or even tolerated.
8.     Unless you are the retiree in question, at some point you will be jealous of an already retired classmate.
9.     You will certainly meet someone that’s taking the same medications as you, although after much discussion you will find the dosages are different leaving you to wonder if you trust your doctor.
10.  Finally, and most importantly, you will catch up with a lot of really nice, very interesting people and a good time will be had by all.  
 Feel free to add to the list and PLEASE REGISTER!

May 21, 2019 -- GAME OF THRONES
Game of Thrones is over.  You can binge-watch that or Braveheart.  I suggest you come to our 40th Reunion!  The deadline to REGISTER and PAY is only 30 days away (June 21st).  Maybe we can add a face painting booth so everyone can choose blue and grey? 

May 11, 2019 -- JOIN US FOR A COLD ONE  
What ever floats your boat!  Sooo many choices...Hofbrau Dunkel Lager, Hofbrau Hefe Weizen and Hofbrau Sommerbier to name a few cold ones that can be found at Estabrook's Biergarten, our Fri., July 5th afternoon venue.  I don't think they have Graf's Root Beer, but they do have many non-alcoholic drinks.  Check out the video of Estabrook Biergarten courtesy of Doug James.  It's on our class Facebook page "Whitefish Bay High School Class of '79". 

Pay for your registration at warp speed!  Venmo info can be found on REGISTRATION tab.

Get comfy with your classmates and ditch the dresscode.  To register go to 40th REUNION 2019 tab, and click on REGISTRATION.  Don't forget to complete the SURVEY.  A big THANK YOU to the 22 classmates who were the first to register and for the (2) who donated extra!

Go to 40th REUNION 2019 tab and click on REGISTRATION.
Please take the time to fill out our survey.  We'd love to know how many times we will be able to see you over the weekend!  Go to 40th REUNION 2019 tab and click on SURVEY.

April 23, 2019 -- INVITATION POSTED
Go to 40th REUNION 2019 tab and click on Invitation.

April 19, 2019 -- SCHEDULE POSTED
It might be a little early to pack your bags and check the weather...What you can do now is go to 40th REUNION 2019 tab and click on Schedule to get a better feel for what the reunion committee has been working so hard on over the past few months.

Guy Fiorita announces that Shorewood is raking in the donations for their reunion.  C'mon.  That just can't be allowed.  Click on the Donate / Underwrite tab to see the rest of what Guy has to say.  For your convenience, you may add a donation when you register.

March 2, 2019 -- HOTEL INFO
Go to 40th REUNION 2019 tab to read all about it.  Click on Hotel, etc.

March 1, 2019 -- SAVE THE DATE | July 4-6, 2019
Yeah.  What THEY say in the video...


December 23, 2018 -- HELP UNDERWRITE OUR REUNION  
Our first donor is Andy Stillman!  Watch Andy's video by clicking on the Donate/Underwrite on the left side of the page.

September 26, 2018 -- WELCOME
If you attended our 30th Reunion, it’s only been approximately 3,287 days since we gathered for that memorable weekend.  Time’s a ticking.  2019 will be here before we know it.  Which leads me to…

GOOD NEWS - - A reunion committee has been formed and our 40th Reunion is being planned for Thurs., July 4th, Fri., July 5th and Sat., July 6th!  More information will be posted on the 40th REUNION 2019 tab...

A big thanks to those classmates who have stepped up and offered to volunteer to help coordinate our weekend festivities.  If anyone is interested in helping, just click on the Contact Us tab on the top left of this page and let us know how you would like to help.

While I’m sweeping off the website’s cobwebs, for those who have already created a profile, it’s time for you to UPDATE YOUR PROFILE.  If you’ve forgotten or misplaced your password, click “FORGOT?” in the login box on the upper right of the home page and follow the prompts.  I’ll send you an email to reset your password.  If you don’t hear back from me right away, don’t worry.  I'll reply as soon as I'm able to do so.  Also, please make sure that you're not using any email filtering programs that would block email from or

If you are new to the site, click on Searching for Classmates and follow the instructions.

On behalf of our very lively, engergetic and enthusiastic 40th Reunion Committee, I wish you all the best and hope to see you in 2019!

Suzanne Rice Schorr
Site Administrator