Bring us up to speed. It's been a LONG time.
I'm pretty stoked about this. I sure had agreat time at the previous reunions, and dropped the ball for the 25th. The friendships I have rekindled though facebook are so cool. It'll be really nice to see people and be able to recognize them too. I have lived in Aspen for a ski season, Dallas for 3 years while opening and working for the Macy's store in the Galleria, and I was a manager at Boston Store Bayshore. I sold yellow pages ads for Ameritech, and was in property management before settling into residential real estate sales. I sing, I dance, I eat, I drink. I gain weight, I lose weight, laugh, cry, and celebrate my friends and their life passages. I managed to get myself real good and sick a couple of years ago, and was surrounded by an amazing aray of support and friendship. I'm better, but could be smarter.