Carol Keyes Keyes-Ferrer

Profile Updated: November 4, 2009
Residing In: West St Paul, MN USA
Spouse/Partner: Joe Ferrer
Children/Grandchildren/Great-Grandchildren: Not that I know of
What keeps you busy? Entrepenueur/safety consultant
Yes! Attending Reunion
Bring us up to speed. It's been a LONG time.

Left high school. Went to University of Arizona (wanted a suntan). Moved to Minnesota in January 1984. Brain froze (it was -50 windchills and I didn't own a winter coat. You really do learn a new way of dressing). Started a business, got a master's, started another business. Went dancing. Met my husband. Got married. Sold a house, bought a house. Now I enjoy working and watching the birds outside my window. Do lots of volunteer work, especially environmental.

List two (2) favorite present songs and (2) favorite songs from high school.

Dust in the Wind
Stairway to heaven

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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:38 PM
It helps to be married to a photographer.